Lady Margaret Fortune -- Maggie --
July 8, 2001 - January 29, 2013

And captured each of our hearts.
For many years you gave us joy and laughter,
But most of all you gave us love.
You loved us through good times and bad,
Through happy and sad.
And that love was unconditional,
A love that knew no bounds.
You were there for Ally, as she went through her pre-teen years
And as she grew into a young woman.
You watched her dress for proms and outings with friends
And then sat and watched as she packed for college.

A greeter for everyone who came to visit.
You always thought they came to see you.
With the wagging of your tail and twirls of delight,
You made everyone feel welcome -- morning, noon, or night.
Your coat held the tears of a family finding their way
Through the ups and downs of life.
And as you got older and didn't want to play,
You could snuggle with each of us in your on special way.

During the day you rested up while the house was quite,
Only to spend the rest of the day in our presence.
In our laps, sharing a spot in the recliner, a corner of the couch,

You made each of us feel special . . .
In red bows for Christmas, orange for football season,
Pastels for Spring, or purple, yellow, or green . . .
We thought you were the cutest thing
We had ever seen.
Ally had your bow colors planned for the year,
We didn't know your time was near,
That we would have to say goodbye to our furry bundle of love,
But only with the help from our Father above.

It was so hard to say goodbye
No time to plan or prepare.
But know you will always affectionally be . . .
The Baby of our family.