What did she dream about,
this dear one who we would find asleep
while sitting up in her chair?
- Playing on the back of buckboard wagons or giggling in the school yard in the 1930's?
- Growing up with her brothers and sisters?
- Singing at church with her friends and family and worshipping her Lord and Saviour?
- Working with her friends in the pattern making department of the local manufacturing company?
- Missing her family, her home?
From the doorway of her room in the health care facility that she called home, my husband would whisper, "Miss Ruby, Miss Ruby, it's Pastor Greg and Beth."
Lifting her head towards his voice, she would open her eyes and give us the most beautiful smile. She didn't have much to say, but her eyes would dance with life as we spent time with her.
But there's a place her name was etched long ago that will never be removed . . .
The Lamb's Book of Life, "I will not erase his (her) name from the book of life" (Rev. 3:5 NSAB).
She's in her new home now, no longer asleep while sitting up in her chair, but more alive and free than she has ever been.
Now she lifts her head towards her Master's voice who whispers her new name, the name written on the white stone He gave her, ". . . I will give him (her) a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he (she) who receives it" (Rev. 2:17 NASB).
I know she gives Him the same beautiful smile she gave us, but with Him I'm sure she has much to say. And not only does her eyes dance with life, but she can now dance for eternity.
Good-bye for now Miss Ruby . . .
Until we meet again.
Ruby Amelia McDougle
(1919 - 2014)
photos courtesy of www.morguefile.com